Set up the Headcount driver tab

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Set up the Headcount driver tab

When you add a Headcount tab, its setup screen opens automatically. This is where you select the accounts you want to drive with the headcount data and add benefits and benefit plans that are mapped to those accounts.

You can edit this setup later, as your needs change. You return to the setup screen in the same way you edit any other tab setup. You can also use the Headcount settings button in the top-right toolbar.


The headcount setup process involves several steps and settings, which are organized into tabs.


  1. Edit the name of the new tab, if required.

  2. Add other headcount administrators, if required. By default, as you are the headcount owner (creating the tab), you are also a headcount administrator. You can add other administrators to help you manage the workflow on this tab. Ensure the selected administrators have full access to the database on which the budget is based. If you do not see the required user(s) in the list, check they have access to the headcount feature.

  3. Click Next.


  1. Click the blue Add account button.

  2. Select the General Ledger account(s) you want to drive with this Headcount tab. Common accounts include Salaries, Wages, Commissions, Bonuses, and Benefit Plans.

  3. Click out of the account list to apply your selection.

  4. Click Next.


  1. Click the blue Add benefit button.

  2. In the grid, enter a name for the benefit, and a description, if required.

  3. Set up the benefit calculation:

    • Fixed amount per annum: select Fixed amount p/a as the Calculation method and enter that amount in the Calculation box.

    • Percentage of the employee’s remuneration: Select % Remuneration as the Calculation method and enter that percentage value in the Calculation box, then enter the Floor (minimum) and Cap (maximum) values, if required.

  4. Select the General Ledger account applicable to this benefit, such as Employee Benefits. If you do not see the required account in the list, you need to go back to the Accounts tab (click Previous) and add it there.

  5. Clear the FTE checkbox, if applicable. This checkbox is selected by default, indicating that this benefit applies to full-time employees only. Learn more about this setting below.

  6. Repeat the above steps to add more benefits, as required.

  7. Click Next.

In the headcount setup, you add benefits that are mapped to your accounts and add benefit plans that are mapped to those benefits. Then in the Headcount Input tab, after you add the employee data, you select the applicable benefit plan for each employee. The system automatically calculates the employee’s benefit value, along with how much it will cost over the budget period (taking the employment end date into account), and displays those values in the Benefit and Budget Period Cost columns respectively.


The FTE checkbox is used to prorate the benefit for non-FTE employees. For example, if an employee works part-time and is 0.5 FTE in the Headcount worksheet, only 0.5 of the benefit is applied. This setting only applies to fixed amount benefits because the percentage of remuneration benefits already factors this in (the remuneration is at a part-time rate).

Benefit plans

  1. Click the blue Add benefit plan button.

  2. In the grid, enter a name for the benefit plan.

  3. Click the yellow cell, then select the benefit(s) you want to map to this plan, and click Save. If you do not see the required benefit in the list, you need to go back to the Benefits tab and add it there (click Cancel, then click Previous).

  4. Repeat the above steps to add more benefit plans, as required.

  5. Click Save and finish.


To protect the privacy of your employee headcount data, the Headcount Input tab is locked by a password.

Enter a password (something you will easily remember) and click Unlock.

  • It is important to use a password that you will remember, as it cannot be recovered or reset if you forget it.

  • In the event you forget your password, you will be locked out of the Headcount Input tab and unable to access your headcount data. Contact us to discuss your options.

  • To limit the risk of losing your headcount data, we recommend you add one or more administrators to this tab.

Next steps

After you complete the setup and enter a password, two worksheet tabs, Headcount Input and Headcount Output, are automatically generated for you. Both worksheet tabs are blank initially. The next step is to add or import the employee data. If you want help to do so, you need to invite headcount users before you can assign them to tasks in the workflow.