Get started with Budgets & Forecasts
This page lists the key things your organization should consider before starting the budgeting process. It also explains the types of users in the Budgets & Forecasts module and the factors that impact user access to the budget and forecasts.
Prerequisites for the budgeting process
Before you start the budgeting process by creating a budget workbook, we recommend you take the following steps:
(Financial budgets only) Ensure your Profit and Loss statement categorization is complete.
Get a clear understanding of how your organization currently budgets, and at what level of detail, then consider if you want to change the current process. It's best to plan how you want to structure your budget before you create the budget workbook. Right after you create the budget, you have the chance to change the workbook setup but when you edit any of the budget values, you will not be able to make many changes to the workbook setup.
Identify who needs access to your budgets and forecast workbooks. The information on this page will help you make that decision. Then, work with your administrator to ensure the right users have adequate user permissions and data access.
Types of users
Consider which individuals in your organization need to be involved in the budgeting process and what responsibilities they should have. This will determine what type of user role they’ll have in Budgets & Forecasts. The Budgets & Forecasts module has four types of users:
Budget owner
The budget owner is the user who creates the budget workbook. The owner controls the budget and its workflow and can perform all actions in the budget workbook. Ownership can be changed over time, as your business needs change.
To be a budget owner, you need these user permissions: Budgets & Forecasts and Manage Budgets & Forecasts.
Budget administrator
The budget administrator is a user who can help the owner with workflow management and other tasks. Administrators can do more within the budget workbook than the other users (contributors). In addition to the standard data entry, administrators can change the budget owner to themselves, add comparison rows, assign tasks in the workflow (but not change the workflow baseline, which is the owner), and add and publish worksheet tabs.
To be a budget administrator, you need the following user permissions: Budgets & Forecasts and Manage Budgets & Forecasts. You also need to be added as an administrator in the budget workbook set up by the budget owner.
A budget administrator is different from a Phocas administrator. The Phocas administrator manages the administration settings for your Phocas site.
A budget administrator is also different from a headcount administrator. This separation of tasks is an additional layer of security to protect the privacy of your employee headcount data. See Manage Headcount driver users for more information.
Budget contributor
A budget contributor is a user who is responsible for entering and editing the values in the worksheets.
To be a budget contributor you need the Budgets & Forecasts user permission, and the budget owner or administrator must assign you to a task in the budget workflow.
A budget contributor can only be assigned to tasks in the headcount workflow if they have been added as headcount user. See Manage Headcount driver users for more information.
The budget owner or administrators can add other users to a workbook as viewers. This type of user is useful if you want to allow one or more Phocas users to view the budget but not contribute to it (edit any values).
User access and data security
As your organization's financial and budget information is sensitive, your Phocas administrator controls who can access the Budgets & Forecasts module and what data they can see there. This security gives you the freedom to share and assign work as required, without worrying about who can see what. The following factors impact user access to a budget or forecast workbook.
User permissions and type of user
The Phocas user permissions are the first line of defense in your organization’s budget security. If you can’t access the Budgets & Forecasts module, you can’t edit any of the budgets or forecasts. Your Phocas administrator controls who can access the Budgets & Forecasts module and who can create budget and forecast workbooks.
The type of Budgets & Forecasts user you are determines the actions you can take within the module. For example, a budget administrator can publish a budget but a contributor cannot.