Database tab
Add a Database tab in your financial (Profit and Loss) budget workbook to connect to data in another database and automatically drive the values in the account rows in the Main tab. For example, you can use your Sales database to drive the Revenue accounts in the Main tab of your financial budget.
You can also manually link to the data in the Database tab via formulas, which is a useful option if the new database does not easily map to the existing database.
Database driver tabs are not available in operational budgets but you can define additional measures in those budget setups to drive the budget data.
Do you need to add a new Database tab? If there’s already one in the workbook, save time by cloning that tab and editing its setup.
Add the tab using one of these methods:
Click the Tab menu > Add tab > Database.
Click the Add button at the bottom of the workbook and select the Database.
Set up the Database tab. The setup process involves several steps and settings organized into tabs. Many settings are automatically selected for you to save you time.
Click Save and finish. The new tab opens with the data from the other database or zero values if you selected that baseline data structure.
Review the new tab and the corresponding, automatically driven values in the Main tab. If required, edit the tab setup before editing any budget values.
Manually link to the new data via formulas in the Main tab and other tabs, as required. This is useful if the new database does not easily map to the existing database.