Delete the Headcount tab

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Delete the Headcount tab

You can delete the Headcount tab like you would delete any other tab, but you have an additional option, as described in step 2 below. You only get the delete option for the Headcount Input tab but when you delete that tab, the Headcount Output tab is also deleted.

  1. Either click the Tab menu and click Delete tab or right-click the Headcount (Input) tab and click Delete tab.

  2. (Optional) Delete all rows in the Main tab that are driven by this tab:

    • This option is available because the rows in the Headcount tab drive some rows in the Main tab, resulting in child rows in the Main tab under each mapped account. When you delete the Headcount Input tab, these rows remain in the Main tab by default but you can delete them.

    • The following image shows what happens in the Main tab if you don't select this checkbox (default behavior). A sum row remains under the account row and it is editable.

    • The following image shows what happens in the Main tab if you do select this checkbox. There’s no headcount-related sum row under the account row. It’s as if there never was a Headcount Input tab.

  3. Click Delete to confirm the deletion. Refresh your screen to ensure the changes are applied.