
Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired soon.


A favorite in Phocas is an analysis point saved for quick reference. Favorites can include simple or complex analysis or search results and can be in the form of a grid or a chart. 

Typically, someone in your organization will create favorites and share them with you. If you have the Favorites user permission, you will be able to view these favorites. If you have additional permissions, you will be able to save your own favorites, share your favorites with other users, create alerts, add favorites to a dashboard, and subscribe to favorites to receive scheduled updates. 

You can view a list of favorites you have saved, and any that have been shared with you, in the following ways:

  • In the Phocas menu: Click Favorites to display a list of the favorites and alerts. After you open a favorite for the first time, that favorite displays in your Recents list, which you can quickly access via the Recents menu item.

  • On your homepage: Favorite content items are identified by the heart icon. To filter the grid and see only a list of favorites, click the All dropdown menu in the Type column header, click Select none, then select the Favorite checkbox and click out of the filter. The grid updates.


    Click a favorite to open it. Its name displays in the header bar.