Add notes to workbook

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Add notes to workbook

If you are a budget owner, you can add notes in the budget or forecast workbooks to give users instructions for completing the budget, details on how the budget model was built or any other useful information. All users who have access to the workbook can view the notes.

Add a note

  1. Click the Notes button in the top right corner of the worksheet.

  2. In the Notes panel, click Add Note.

  3. Write the note and format the text and/or add links using the text editor.

  4. Add more notes on new tabs, if required (repeat steps 2 and 3).

  5. Click Close.

Edit a note

In the Notes panel, click the tab of the note you want to edit, edit the note as required, then click Close.

Rename a note tab

In the Notes panel, right-click the tab name and click Rename, edit the name as required, then click Close.

Delete a note

In the Notes panel, right-click the tab name and click Delete > Yes, then click Close.