Add a category

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Add a category

If you add a new category (group) to your Profit and Loss statement (in Financial Statements) and add accounts that have no previous activity into that category, the category does not display in the budget by default. Budgets open in a pruned (condensed) view by default, which means if there is no account row underneath an entity row, that entity row is removed from the budget hierarchy, as it is not required.

For example, suppose you have not previously had any loans but you take out a new loan and add Interest Paid as a separate category in your Profit and Loss statement. As the account(s) in this category did not have activity in the prior year, which is used as the baseline for the budget, the category will not show in the budget workbook.

You can budget for Profit and Loss categories that have no activity in the baseline period by switching to an unpruned view and adding the appropriate accounts under those added categories.

  1. On the Main tab, switch to the unpruned view to view categories that have no account rows.

  2. Locate the newly added category row, then hover over it and click the blue Add button that displays.

  3. Add the entity.

  4. Add the accounts.