Add a level

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Add a level

The information below refers to budgets but the same process applies to forecasts.

A dimension is a level in your budget hierarchy and an entity is a value within a dimension. For example, a dimension is Country and the entities are Australia, the UK and the USA.

To budget at a more detailed (granular) level, you can add additional levels (dimensions) to the Main tab. For example, if you have a budget set up to budget by Country and Branch, you could add a level for Product Class underneath each Branch.

You can have up to six hierarchy levels in the Main tab. However, levels work differently in the two types of budgets (financial and operational).

Financial budget levels

In a financial budget setup, you can add up to four levels in addition to the two default levels of Category and Account (2+4=6). The levels are visible on the top right of the worksheet, and you can see the hierarchy when you expand the worksheet. For example, in the following image, you can see one level was added for County, bringing the total levels to three.


You can return to the budget setup to add more levels. It's best to do this before you start budgeting, in other words, before you edit any values in the worksheet, as there'll be little impact. You can add levels later in the budgeting process, but it'll likely result in the loss of entered data as you've changed the underlying structure of the budget. You'll get a warning message about this.


Operational budget levels

In an operational budget setup, you can add up to six levels of your choice. The levels are visible on the top right of the worksheet, and you can see the hierarchy when you expand the worksheet. For example, in the following image, you can see three levels were added: County Region and Sales Rep.


You can return to the budget setup to add more levels, or you can do it within the worksheet via the blue Add button next to the levels on the top right of the worksheet. For example, if you initially added four levels in the budget setup, you can add two more in the worksheet (4+2=6).

After you add the level, the worksheet page reloads. You can then expand the lines to view the additional levels of data.

The level you add displays in blue, to differentiate it from the levels that were added during the workbook or worksheet setup.

If you change your mind or make a mistake, to remove the new level, click the blue Delete button next to the level name, then click Delete to confirm.