Show others

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Show others

The Show Others option is available when a dimension is selected, however, it is only useful when you have selected and focused on some rows in that dimension. It displays the total of the unfocused rows below the total of the focused rows.

When this option is turned on (checkbox is selected), a new row displays at the top of the grid (below the TOTAL row) to show the sum total of all the 'unfocused' rows in each column. As you can see in the first image below, zeros will display in this row if you have not focused on some rows. When you focus on some rows, the total of the other (unfocused) rows displays.

The data that displays in the OTHERS row depends on which measures are selected. For example, if the Value or Profit measures are selected, the OTHERS row displays a total, but if the Margin measure is selected, it will display an average.

To remove the OTHERS row, clear the Show Others checkbox. You cannot remove this row by clicking the Reset button, however, logging off and back on will remove it.  

Example 1 - Use Show Others to view a total based on information not showing on in the grid

Suppose you have filtered the grid to display data for the UK only. The total revenue for all regions in the UK is $23,305,649.11.

You then select and focus on the top 5 performing regions in the UK. The total revenue for those regions only is $6,351,192.34.

Now you want to compare the total of the top 5 performing regions with the total of all the other, unfocused regions. Click Options > Show Others. The total revenue of the unfocused regions ($16,954,456.77) displays below the total revenue of the focused regions ($6,351,192.34). The sum of these two equals to the total revenue for all regions in the UK ($23,305,649.11).

Example 2 - Use Show Others to limit the information displayed in a chart

Sometimes there is too much data to turn into a meaningful chart. In the image below, rather than attempt to chart all Sales Reps, just 6 Sales Reps have been selected and focused on, and the Show Others option has been turned on. The percentages in the resulting pie chart remain accurate, and there is no clutter. All unfocused Sales Reps are grouped together in the 'Others' wedge.