CRM license, permissions and restrictions

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CRM license, permissions and restrictions

For users to access the CRM module, they need both the CRM license and the main CRM user permission. Other CRM-related user permissions are also available to control the actions a user can take within CRM. CRM user restrictions control the type of CRM-related data the user can access.

CRM license

The ability to assign a CRM license to someone depends on the number of licenses that are available for your Phocas site.

Click the Phocas menu button > Administration > Users to open the Users screen, then use one of these methods to assign the license:

  • Assign the license to an individual user:
    On the user’s maintenance form > User tab > License section, set CRM to Yes and click Save. While you are here, you can proceed to assign the CRM permission (see below).

  • Assign the license to multiple users at the same time:
    On the main Users screen use one of these methods:

    • Switch to License view, select the CRM checkbox for the applicable users, then click Save.

    • Select the applicable users and click More > Bulk Update, then select Yes from the CRM dropdown list and continue with the bulk update.

CRM permissions

The CRM user permissions govern access to the CRM module and the actions users can take there.

  • CRM (main permission) - Access the CRM module, view and update the accounts and contacts, and add and delete activities.

  • Create Account - Create new accounts.

  • Create Campaign - Manage campaigns.

  • Delete Account - Delete accounts.

On the user’s maintenance form > Profile tab, either assign a profile that contains the CRM permissions or go to the CRM section (near the bottom of the screen) and select the required CRM permission checkboxes. Then click Save.

CRM restrictions 

Rules-based CRM user restrictions determine what CRM entities (accounts, contacts, leads, and activities) a CRM user can view or edit. As an administrator, you can assign users to teams, groups, and territories to help you with user management, but these settings are also used in CRM restrictions to determine what CRM entities each user can view and edit. 


The basic principles of the CRM restrictions are:

  • You can always view and edit the entities you own. In the following image, you can see the default rule is Owner Equal To <User>, which means that the user (Bert) is restricted from viewing and editing all CRM entities except for those he owns.

  • If you have edit access to an account (or lead), you can edit the entities associated with that account. For example, if your restrictions allow you to edit an account (the parent), you can also edit that account's activities and contacts, and even the contact's activities (the children).

  • Similarly, if you have view access to an account, you can view its entities.

  • Campaigns can be viewed by all users, regardless of restrictions.

  • You can view and/or edit other CRM entities if you are linked to the owner of those entities via a restriction rule (as explained in the next section).

Add restrictions

You enable users to view and edit more CRM entities (not just the ones they own) by adding restriction rules that link them to those entities. There are two models for adding restriction rules.

Use single values (static)

Add specific users, groups, territories, and/or teams to a restriction rule, one at a time.

This model is suitable for small organizations that typically have a flat hierarchy or only a few users because:

  • When circumstances change, you need to update the restriction rule for each user manually.

  • It can be difficult to understand who can access what, as the Users page only lists each user’s group, territory, and team, not any others to which they have been linked via a restriction rule. You need to go into each user’s CRM Restrictions tab for such details.


Suppose you want Bert the sales executive to be able to view the CRM entities owned by his colleague Betty.

  1. Open the user maintenance form and click the CRM Restrictions tab.

  2. In the View section, click the green plus button to add a rule.

  3. In the new rule row, select Owner. <User> automatically displays in the next box.

  4. Start typing the other user’s name (Betty) into the box and select the name in the list that displays.

  5. Click Save. Bert can now view Betty’s CRM entities along with his own.


This is a very basic example; it would be more common to add additional criteria such as territory, team, and so on.

Suppose you want Bert the sales executive to be able to view and edit everything within his own team and territory. You also want him to be able to view entities within the neighboring territory (US Central East) but not edit anything relating to that territory.

In Bert’s user maintenance form, you can see that he belongs to the US Central North territory and the Sales team. He also belongs to the Electrical group but you do not want to use that group as the basis for any restrictions.

  1. Open the user maintenance form and click the CRM Restrictions tab.

  2. In the View section, enable Bert to view the additional CRM entities:

    1. Click the green plus button to add a rule and select Owner's Team. <User's Team> automatically displays in the next box. In Bert's case, this is the Sales team.

    2. Click the green plus button to add another rule and select Owner's Territory. <User's Territory> automatically displays in the next box. In Bert's case, this is the US Central North.

    3. Start typing US Central East into the box and select the item in the list that displays.

    4. Click Save. Bert can now view anything he that he owns, entities within his own team (Sales), territory (US Central North), and entities within US Central East, and any campaigns.

  3. In the Edit section, enable Bert to edit the additional CRM entities:

    1. Click the green plus button to add a rule and select Owner's Team. As a result, <User's Team> automatically displays in the next box. In Bert's case, this is the Sales team.

    2. Click the green plus button to add another rule and select Owner's Territory. <User's Territory> automatically displays in the next box. In Bert's case, this is the US Central North.

    3. Click Save. Bert can now edit anything he that he owns, and entities within his own team (Sales) and territory (US Central North).


Multiple values (dynamic)

Use the Group, Territory, and/or Team settings on the User tab to drive the restrictions. Add multiple groups, territories, and/or teams to the user’s maintenance form separated by a semicolon and select the …(as semicolon separated values) option in the rule.


This model is suitable for larger organizations that likely have a more complicated hierarchy because:

  • The set-and-forget approach reduces the need to manually update restrictions for each user.

  • On the Users page, it is easier to see at a glance who can access what, which is handy when you have hundreds of users.


Suppose Bert the sales executive is training new sales executives across the country, therefore, you want to allow him to view the CRM entities in multiple territories. You want to update this access from time to time without having to edit Bert’s restriction rule each time. You also want to have an easy way to see which territories Bert currently has access to view.

  1. In Bert’s user maintenance form > Territory box, type the additional territories after his own territory, separated by a semicolon and click Save.

  2. Click the CRM Restrictions tab.

  3. In the View section, click the green plus button to add another rule and select Owner's Territory. <User's Territory> automatically displays in the next box. In Bert's case, this is the US Central North.

  4. Click the box and select the <User’s Territory (as semicolon separated values)> option in the list that displays.

  5. Click Save. Bert can now view anything he that he owns and all CRM entities in the territories specified on his user maintenance form.

    • Back on the Users page, in the Territory column, you can see all the territories to which Bert is linked.

    • If you change Bert’s territories on the user maintenance form > User tab, the changes will automatically be applied to the rule in the CRM Restriction tab.

Remove all restrictions

Removing all restrictions gives the user full access to all the CRM entities. This action is suitable for administrators and users who require a broad level of access, as they typically need to view and edit all CRM entities.

Open the user’s maintenance form, click the CRM restrictions tab, select the No restriction checkbox, and click Save.