Update a user

Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired at the end of April 2025.

Update a user

This page outlines how to update the details, settings, permissions and restrictions for an individual user account. To update multiple user accounts at the same time, use the Bulk Update tool instead.

  1. Click Administration > Users to open the Users screen.

  2. Click the user’s name (blue link) to open the user maintenance form.

  3. Update the user account as required:

    1. User tab - Update the user’s details, license and main permissions.

    2. Profile tab - Update the specific user permissions or assign a profile.

    3. Databases tab - Update the user’s database access and permissions.

    4. Favorites and Databases tabs - Remove the user’s access to favorites and dashboards.

  4. Click Save to save and apply your changes.

  5. Click Close to return to the Users screen.