Manage deleted CRM items

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Manage deleted CRM items

Click the Phocas menu button > Administration > CRM Deleted to open the Deleted screen, where you can view a list of entities that were deleted from CRM, along with the entity type, who deleted it and the deletion date.

You can take the following actions:

  • Restore one or more items to the correct location in CRM: Select the required row(s) and click Restore. 

    • Restoring an Activity or Contact which is a child of an Account will result in the Account also being restored.

  • Permanently delete one or more items: Select the required row(s) and click Delete.

    • Deleting an Account will result in any child Activity or Contact also being deleted.

    • Deleting a Contact or Lead will result in any child activity also being deleted.

  • Permanently delete all deleted items: Click Purge.