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Getting started - Phocas basics
Financial Statements
Financial Statements QuickStart
Open Financial Statements
Take a tour of Financial Statements
View a financial statement
Customize your statement view
Set your default view
Set your default period (financial database)
Analyze a financial statement
Add a level in a financial statement
Filter the financial information
View financial information in a matrix (change column groups)
Select and focus on data in a financial statement
Add and view comments in financial statements
Copy data (in a financial statement)
View transactions (in a financial statement)
Display financial information in a chart
Add financial analysis to a dashboard
Export a financial statement
Save views as favorites and share financial information
Manage financial statements
Overview of the link between financial statements and dimensions
Create a financial statement
Rename a financial statement
Delete a financial statement
Customize a financial statement
Reorder a financial statement
Customize groups
Customize calculations
Customize headings and spacers
Create a dimension
Set the revenue row in a Profit and Loss statement
Customize columns
Customize a Profit and Loss statement
Customize a Cash Flow statement
Set the financial year end date
Rebuild the database
Restrict access to accounts
Use multiple currencies
Manage budget streams in financial statements
Create a budget from within a financial statement (one-click budgeting)
Add a budget file to a financial database
Use statistical streams in a financial statement
Manage dimension groups
Map categories from your Chart of Accounts
Budgets & Forecasts