Customize headings and spacers

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Customize headings and spacers

If you have permission to manage financial statements, you can customize the headings and spacers that are in a financial statement. Spacers allow you to add some formatting to the financial statement by inserting white space between the items. Headings allow you to include additional information in the financial statement. For example, you might want to add a descriptive heading to display underneath the financial statement name.

  1. In the Statements menu, click the name of the financial statement you want to customize.

  2. In the statement setup window, click the Add button where you want to insert the new heading or spacer.

  3. Select Heading or Spacer, as required.

  4. If you added a heading, enter the text you want to display.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you are finished customizing the financial statement, click Close > Close > Yes to rebuild the database.