Subscribe to a dashboard

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Subscribe to a dashboard

If you have the Dashboards > Subscribe user permission, you can subscribe to a dashboard to receive updates via email to the email address that is recorded in your user settings.

You can only subscribe yourself to dashboards (unless you are an administrator). Even if you share a dashboard with other users, each of the shared users will need to subscribe to the dashboard themselves.

Note for administrators: You need to configure the subscription settings before users can subscribe to Dashboards. You can subscribe or unsubscribe users to dashboards. You can determine the subscription types (formats). See Manage subscriptions (administration) for more information.

Subscribe to a dashboard

  1. Access the Subscribe window in one of these ways:

    • From within the dashboard: Open the Dashboard, then click the blue arrow next to the dashboard name and select Subscribe.

    • From your homepage: Go to your homepage, locate the dashboard and click the menu button (on the far right side), then click Subscribe.

  2. In the Subscribe window, select the required subscription options:

    1. Select the frequency of delivery: On scheduled database build, Daily, Weekly (specific day) or Monthly.

      • All monthly subscriptions are sent on the 1st of each calendar month, at the time selected. They are sent regardless of whether the database has been updated in the preceding month. There is no way of altering this behavior.

      • If you select Monthly and the day you select doesn't exist for that month (such as 31 for February), the subscription is sent on the last day of the month.

    2. Select a delivery time. The default time is 9am. In some cases, subscription emails may arrive slightly later (up to an hour) than the time specified. The subscriptions are sent at the time specified in your timezone, as opposed to the timezone of the user who updates the dashboard.

    3. (Optional) Click Test Now to send a test email to your account. 

  3. Click Save.

Update or stop your subscriptions

When you subscribe to a dashboard, on your homepage, locate the dashboard and click the menu button (on the far right side), then click Manage Subscription. In the Subscribe window, you can:

  • Update the subscription options and click Save.

  • Click Unsubscribe to stop subscribing to the item.
