Edit rules
You can edit rules individually or save time by editing multiple rules in bulk. You might need to edit rules for the following reasons:
If you make a mistake when initially setting the rule up.
If the rebate agreement changes.
To roll a rule over into a new fiscal year.
To deactivate rules.
After you clone a project, to make a change to all the rules.
If a rule has no posted calculation results yet, you can edit all the settings in the rule setup screen. However, if a rule has any posted calculation results, there is a limit to what you can edit.
If a rule has posted calculation results and you need to make more than the permitted changes, you can deactivate the rule and then recreate the rule. You can also delete the posted results, but you then need to recalculate and post the results again for all rules in the project.
On the Rebates tab, select the rule(s) you want to edit and click Edit.
Edit the rule setup as required. If a rule has any posted calculation results, there is a limit to what you can edit*.
Click Save and Close or Change, as applicable.