
Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired soon.


A rule determines how the rebate will be calculated and to whom or what it will be applied. In other words, the rule is the logic that applies to the rebate. You can create whatever type of rules you need, from a basic rule to a complex one.

Each rule belongs to a project, which determines the underlying database and stream upon which the rule is based. The rule is more detailed; it specifies the database’s dimensions and measures that are used in the calculations. Each rule is applied to the database's transactional data.

The Introduction to rebates page explains the general concept of rebates and the two types of rebates but in summary:

  • Receivable rebate rules describe the rebates that are receivable from your suppliers. They are typically associated with a Purchases database.

  • Payable rebate rules describe the rebates that are payable to your customers. They are typically associated with a Sales database.

It is unusual for payable and receivable rules to be in the same project, though technically possible.

On a project’s page, the Rules tab displays a list of the rules in the project (if any).


From here you can manage the rules as follows: