Group period columns

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Group period columns

Use the Group periods forward option to group several period columns in a worksheet into one period column that displays the total of the values in the individual periods.

You can repeat this action manually for other periods in the worksheet or use the Group periods forward option to simultaneously quickly create a batch of ‘repeating’ column groups based on the number of period columns in the first group.

How a group works

The column header of the period column group identifies the periods (columns) that are in that group. The values you see in a period column group are the total of the values in the individual periods.

If you are the budget owner and you create column groups, the groups display initially in a ‘collapsed’ state for you; you cannot edit the values in the cells (white background). However, you can use the spread feature to change the total value. When contributors open the workbook, they will see those groups in the expanded state (yellow background), so they can edit the values (according to the workflow).

Contributors also have the ability to create column groups, to meet their data entry needs. These changes do not impact the column groupings set by the budget owner.

Column g