Data access and permissions

In Phocas, you typically only see data that is relevant to you. Similarly, you will only see favorites and dashboards in the menu and homepage if you have created those items, or if any have been shared with you.

Data access

Administrators manage access to your organization’s data using a combination of permissions and restrictions, to ensure the right data is seen by the right users:

  • User permissions and restrictions - Determine the functional elements of Phocas that are available to the users. In other words, control what each user can do in Phocas.

  • Database permissions and restrictions - Determine what databases the users can access, and what they can see within each database.

The above permissions and restrictions are typically pulled together via a set of user profiles applied to user accounts in your organization.

Data sharing 

You can only share data in Phocas with users who have permission to see that data. For example, if you try to share a favorite or dashboard containing Branch X financial information with a user who only has permission to view Branch Y data, you will get an error message.

If you think someone should be able to see the information you are trying to share, contact your Phocas administrator about their permissions.

Related information for administrators