Ignore quotes when syncing

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Ignore quotes when syncing

When you are adding a file or directory data item to Sync, the Ignore Quotes option is available to handle files containing embedded quotes in the data, such as a representation of inches. For example, a 12" ruler.

When the Ignore Quotes checkbox is NOT selected, quotes in data are interpreted as the opening quotes of a single string. This can cause a single cell to be populated with rows of data, until the next set of quotes is found. The difference is shown in the tables below.

Source data - ID

Source data - product

Output when the Ignore Quotes option is NOT selected

Source data - ID

Source data - product

Output when the Ignore Quotes option is NOT selected


3.5” wrench

3.5” wrench Hammer Bolts 2.5”








2.5” screws


If you select the Ignore Quotes checkbox, any embedded quotes are treated as normal characters, and the data is written out correctly.