Upload a file

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Upload a file

If you have permission to upload files, you can upload CSV, XLXS and other document file types without requiring administration privileges. The files will then be available to your administrator as sources for database design. Note there are some technical limitations to adding data to Phocas.

When you upload a file, you have two options for how to use the file:

  • Add a new file to Phocas.

  • Replace (overwrite) an existing file. This option is suitable when you want to upload a new version of a file that is currently in use. Note that in the case of an XLSX file with multiple worksheets, you will replace all of those worksheets during the upload process, as you cannot select a particular worksheet to replace.

  1. In the Phocas menu, select the applicable starting point:

    • If you are a standard user with permission to upload files, click Toolbox > Upload files.

    • If you are an administration user with permission to upload files, click Administration > Upload files (in the Data menu).

  2. Select or drag the file into the upload area.

  3. Select whether to give the file a header row (clear the checkbox if you do not want a header row).

  4. Select where you want to place the file (either a personal or shared source folder).

  5. Select one of these options:

    • Upload the file as a new file: Select the Upload as a new file with this name option > enter a name for the file > click Upload.

    • Replace an existing file: Select the file you want to replace > click Replace.


      After the file is uploaded, a message displays, advising you to let your administrator know the file is available.

  6. Contact your administrator to let them know the file is available.

  7. (Administrators) View and use the new file in a database design. It displays in the data sources panel under your personal data source, labeled with your user name. You can also delete the data sources from there.
