Export a financial statement
If you have permission, you can export a financial statement as a PDF or XLSX file (Microsoft Excel spreadsheet).
Click the Export button in the top right corner above the grid.
Select your export format. By default, the XLXS export option is selected for you. If you want to export in PDF, select PDF from the Export dropdown list. Alternatively, you can click the blue link under the dropdown list to try out the new version of the Excel exports - see below for more information on this option.
Customize the export format - see settings descriptions and examples below.
Click Create XLXS/PDF. The file downloads to your computer and displays on the bottom of the screen.
Click the file to open it.
The PDF document opens in your default browser. You can see your headings in the top left and right corners and the statement information underneath. In the header you can see who exported the report and when they did that. On the last page you can see the query details.
The XLXS file opens in Microsoft Excel. The workbook has two tabs:
Data tab - Contains the financial statement data including any formulas and hierarchies. In the header you can see who exported the report and when they did that. On the left hand side, you have the ability to collapse and expand the account groups (rows). When you click a value cell, you can see the underlying formula in the formula bar; when you edit the values in the worksheet, the corresponding values automatically update.
Query tab - Contains information about what you were looking at in Financial Statements at the time of exporting, such as the date you exported the file, your name, the database name and the period and columns that were selected.
Export format settings
Expand the sections below for descriptions and examples of each setting. The settings that are available depend on the export format.
New Excel exports (beta version, released July 2023)
The new version of the Excel exports is still in development but you can try it out now.
The new version does everything the old version does but it is faster and presents your data in a more similar way to how you see it on the screen. For example, if some levels are expanded but others are collapsed, when you export the statement, it’ll look just the same in Excel. The new version also supports cell comments and has some formatting changes.
Cell comments
Cell comments are supported in the new Excel exports, whereas previously they were not. The comments include the author and date and time of the comment.
By default, all levels are expanded in the new Excel exports, whereas previously they were collapsed. The new exports look different to the old one, as illustrated in the images below. We made the following changes to the formatting:
The Code and Name is removed from the column headers.
The dates display in grey.
The shading is removed from group rows.
The accounts are indented.
The column width is set off the account code and name length. Long names and headers will over flow cells.
Old Excel export formatting:
New Excel export formatting: