Sync Sources

This page describes the Sync Sources page in Phocas, which is different from the Phocas Sync application you install on your computer.

When you add data items to your Phocas site via the Phocas Sync application, File Upload tool or some other method, that data is stored in sources (directories). The purpose of the Sync Sources page is to give you a place in Phocas where you can view all of those data sources and items.

You can also view your data sources and items in the Data sources panel in Designer, where it can be used for designing databases (you need both the Administration > Databases and Sync user permissions for this). See the Designer documentation to learn more.

Access the Sync Sources page

You need the Administration > Sync user permission to access Sync Sources page. In the Phocas menu, click Administration > Sync Sources. The Sync Sources page lists all your data sources in a grid, along with the details about each one. Expand the section below to learn more.

  • Name - The name of the source that contains the data items.

  • Status - The status of the source, which could be:

    • Available - The source is currently not syncing and its last sync was successful.

    • Syncing - The source is currently syncing.

    • Failed - The source is not syncing and its last sync failed.

    • Canceled - The last sync for this source was canceled.

    • (BLANK) - The source has not yet been synced or is a legacy source.

  • Last Successful Sync (date) and Last Successful Sync Duration - When the last successful sync occurred and how long it took.

  • Client Version - The version of Sync that the client is using.

  • Items - The number of items in the sync source.

  • Solutions Used In - The solutions in which the source is used.

  • Client Hostname - The computer used for the sync and client version (the Sync version).

From the Sync Sources page, you can take the following actions:

  • View the data items within a source. See the next section below.

  • Add a new source: Click New, enter the source details and click Save.

  • Delete a source: Select the source row(s) and click Delete.

  • Access the Sync documentation: Click the green button at the top to open this user documentation site, if you need to install the Phocas Sync application.

View data items

On the Sync Sources page, click the data source name (blue link) to open the source’s page, which contains information about the source organized into tabs.

Items tab

The Items tab lists all the data items within the source, along with summary details about each one.

The available details are the same as those on the source grid, except they are at the data item level. Other columns in this grid are:

  • Data - A link to a preview of the underlying data.

  • Rows and Columns - The number of rows and columns of data in the item.

  • Origin - Shows where the data item has come from; the upload method (file type), or view or split view.

You can take the following actions:

  • Delete an item: Select the item row(s) and click Delete.

  • View the data: Click the blue Data link to display a window containing a preview of the data.

Source tab

The Source tab displays the source’s name, owner and source type, and identifies if the source is locked. It might also include a note describing the contents of the source.

You cannot edit the name or type of a source, as this information is stored when the source is created.

You can add owners and lock the source to restrict access to the sync source data. Only the source owner can unlock a source.

Latest Log

The Latest Log tab displays the log for the most recent sync process. You can filter incident information to show everything that occurred during the sync or errors and/or warnings. Warning rows are highlighted in yellow and error rows are highlighted in red.