Folders (administration)

Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired at the end of April 2025.

Folders (administration)

If you have the Administration > Folders permission, you can manage all the folders in your organization’s Phocas site. Folders are a simple way to manage user collaboration via dashboards and favorites. For more information on using folders in general, see the Phocas Basics Folders page.

In the Phocas menu, click Administration > Folders. The Folders page displays a list of all your folders, including those you saved and those that have been shared with you by other users. You can see at a glance how many users can access the folder and how many content items it has.

These folders are listed in the user maintenance form > User tab (image below left). If you select a folder there, you give the user access to the contents of that folder. Users typically see a list of available folders when creating, sharing or cloning a dashboard or favorite (image below right). They can select one or more of these folders to share the item with other users. 

Create a folder 

  1. On the Folders page, click New.

  2. Enter a name for the folder.

  3. Set whether posts to this folder are allowed (select the checkbox). Note that a user's permission to share via folders is determined by their profile settings (see more about giving permission to share dashboards and favorites).

  4. Select which users can access this folder. If a user has access to a folder, they have access to all favorites and dashboards that are shared via the folder, provided they have permission to view the relevant database/s.

  5. Click Save.

Edit a folder 

On the Folders page, click the folder name > edit its setup as required (see steps above) > click Save.

Delete a folder

You can permanently a folder if it is no longer required. This action cannot be undone. You can delete multiple folders at the same time (left-click and drag to select the required rows).

On the Folders page, select the row of the folder > click Delete > Yes.