Use statistical streams in a financial statement
Statistical streams behave just like any other stream you add to a database, however, the calculations you can create from statistical streams significantly enhance the analysis capabilities in your financial statements. For example, you can add a statistical stream for units sold, then add calculations to the statement that allow you to analyze the Gross and Net Profit per unit sold.
The process to add a stream requires the use of the Designer tool in the Administration module, for which you need both the Administration > Databases and Sync user permissions.
Add the statistical stream to the database
You complete this step in Designer. See the Designer page and its subpages for detailed steps and information.
Prepare the statistical data items and add them as a sync source in Phocas (if it is not already there). A statistical stream typically contains a date, measure(s) and sub dimensions, which ideally correspond with the existing dimensions in the financial database.
Open the financial database design and ensure the statistical data item is available in the data sources panel.
Add a new stream > open the Stream window > give the stream a meaningful name, select the Statistical checkbox and click Save.
Drag in the data item(s) that contain the statistical data.
Map the data to the database.
Save your design changes and build the database to apply those changes.
View the statistical data in the financial statement
After you add the statistical stream and build the database, open the financial database, click a stream dimension (this moves you into the Analytics grid), then select the stream.
You can now use the range of Analytics tools to drill deeper into your data, all the way down to the transaction level. See the Analytics pages for detailed information.
Alternatively, click the Summary button to return to the Financial Statements module, where you can add calculations that reference the statistical stream.
Add a calculation based on a statistical stream
In Financial Statements, click Statement > Customize statements… to open the Statements window, then select the statement to open its setup. Add a calculation using the STAT function to refer to the statistical stream. Save your changes and close the window.
The statement automatically updates to display the new calculation row.