Change the rows that display in the Trial Balance

The Rows menu allows you to determine the rows that display in the Trial Balance statement. You can show or hide the current year earnings, and accounts that had activity (or not).

Use the activity filter

A simple way to identify active accounts is to use the activity filter.

Click the Rows menu, then select one of the activity options*.

  • Activity - Displays items for which there have been transactions in a period and where the result is not zero. Usually the default view.

  • No Activity - Displays only items that had no transactions in a period. All items with no transactions are highlighted in green. Results depend on how up-to-date your source data is. For example, you might see accounts that have been discontinued.

  • All - Combines the other two options; displays all items, regardless of whether a transaction has occurred.

*Depending on the database you are analyzing, the options might be different, as your administrator can customize the option labels in Designer to meet your business' requirements. The labels are usually in the context of Activity, No Activity or All.

Hide the current year earnings

By default, the current year earnings row displays on the Trial Balance statement but you can hide it from view.

Click the Rows menu and clear the Current Year Earnings checkbox. Your selection persists in favorites and dashboards.