Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
do this choose edit Image Removed at the right of a dashboard line to open the line settings screen and make a selection under 'Display'.
Stack widgets

There are a number of ways to If you have the Manage Dashboards user permission, there are several ways you can change the look and feel of a dashboard. Most of this customization can be done either while you are building creating a dashboard , or with an existing dashboard. 

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Rename a dashboard 

You can change the name of a dashboard via the 'Share' screen, as long as you are the owner of the dashboard. Choose the Share icon on the right of the dashboard. 

Set a dashboard to automatically refresh

You can set your dashboard to update with any new data, either immediately or at selected intervals, if you have permission. Use Refresh Image Removed to select the frequency or to stop the dashboard refreshing. Setting the refresh interval is not saved with the dashboard and will be reset if you navigate away from the page.

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With refresh set to 'automatic', the dashboard widgets flash briefly each time the underlying data is updated (i.e., when the database builds and if the value has changed). This is particularly useful for dashboards that progressively build throughout the day, and if you have your dashboard displayed on a big screen, e.g., in a warehouse or office.

Summary chart query widgets with a change in data will flash the updated color,  e.g., if the data update moves their status from green to red, red to green, etc. In the screenshot below, the 'Sales' widget on the top line has flashed green to signify that a) the database has built and b) the updated data has moved into the 'green' range.

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Show when widget last updated

If you have a dashboard that updates frequently, you can add details of exactly when a widget was updated. This is particularly useful on dashboards that contain widgets from multiple sources.

To set this add the [updateDelta] placeholder in the description field in each widget, as shown below.

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Set a dashboard-wide period

You can temporarily adjust the period for all the widgets on a dashboard so they show data for the same period. To this by selecting the period Image Removed icon and setting custom dates as required. Like all custom periods in Phocas, this is temporary and can't be saved with the dashboard.

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Once you apply the period, a message at the top of the screen will notify you about how many widgets have been updated. Some widgets may not update, e.g, if they are not filterable or their date range is outside of the dates you want to show.

The period will be shown in the status bar and can be removed with the 'x' or by resetting.

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Rearrange widgets or change their size

Move a widget

Drag the widget to a new position on the dashboard by grabbing the widget toolbar.
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Change a widget's size or how it is displayed

  • Drag the resize icon Image Removed in the bottom right of the widget to change the size.
  • Set as Stacked or Equal width on a line, or allow it to scroll horizontally. To

    or later, within a dashboard. You can make changes at the dashboard, line and widget level. If you are viewing a shared dashboard, some of these customization options might be unavailable. 

    Rename a dashboard

    In the dashboard toolbar, click the Share button, edit the name and click Save.

    Change the way widgets display in a line

    Hover over the line and click the Edit button, then on the Line screen, select one of these Display options:

    • Stack - Stack widgets vertically when they will not fit on a line horizontally.

    See image below.
    • Image Modified

    • Equal width

     to set
    •  - Set all widgets to the same width, filling the line and adjusting to the browser window's size. This is useful when a dashboard is going to be viewed using different screens and devices. The minimum widget width is 200 pixels, after which the line will scroll horizontally. The height of all widgets can be adjusted by clicking and dragging from the bottom of any of the widgets in the line.

    •  In the image below, three different-sized widgets have been automatically resized to be of equal width.

      Image Modified
    • Horizontal scroll

    selected, the
    • - The widgets

    • take up as much space as they need, next to each other on the line

    and the user scrolls
    • . The user must scroll to see them.

  • Temporarily minimize a widget to create more space on your dashboard by selecting the minus icon on the widget toolbar. Maximize it again using the plus icon. Also see minimize on open.  

  • Add and move dashboard lines

    Add a new line

    Choose Line to add a new line at the bottom of your dashboard. 

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    Move, edit, clone or delete a line 

    Hover over a line to access the required icons, shown below.

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    • Clone. This will replicate the line and place directly below the original line. You can drag it to a different position on the dashboard, or edit as required.
    • Move. Drag and drop a line to a different position. As you drag, a blue box will appear to indicate the proposed destination. Release and the line will snap to the blue box. 
    • Edit. Allows you to change the name or description of a line. 
    • Delete. Choose to permanently delete a line and all the widgets within it. An 'Are you sure' warning message will appear, as there is no way of recovering a deleted line. 

    Make a dashboard interactive

    See Dynamic and interactive dashboards.


    List of widget icons 

    You can move, minimize or re-size widgets using the icons that appear when you hover over a widget. If you are the owner you can also open them for a more detailed view or to edit.  If you are viewing a shared dashboard or widget, some of these functions may not be available. 



    How it works

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    Opens the widget screen, allowing you to make changes to the widget. This is the same screen that appears when creating a new widget.

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    Deletes the widget permanently. However, if the widget was originally created from a favorite, the favorite will not be deleted.

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    DownloadDownload widget as an image. This applies to some widgets only.

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    Displays the selections and settings that were present when the widget was created. Not available for URL widgets.

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    Opens the underlying data in the Phocas grid for further analysis or a more detailed view, provided you have permission to see the data. Usually opens in a new browser window.

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    Temporarily minimizes a widget to create more space on your dashboard.

    Image Removed


    Dragging the re-size icon in the bottom right corner permanently alters the size of a widget. The size appears in pixels as you drag. To resize all widgets on a line, CTRL + drag.
    • Flex - Enables the widgets to be resized (see below). This option is also responsive, for different window sizes or devices.

    Show when the widget was last updated

    If you have a dashboard that updates frequently, you can add details of exactly when a widget was updated. This is particularly useful on dashboards that contain widgets from multiple sources.

    Hover over a widget and click the Edit button, then on the Widget screen, add the [updateDelta] placeholder in the Description box and click Save.

    Image Added

    Rearrange widgets

    Click the widget and drag the toolbar to a new position on the dashboard.

    Image Added

    Resize widgets

    To temporarily minimize the widget, hover over the widget and click the Minimize button.

    If the Flex option is enabled in the line settings (above), you can permanently change the widget's size: Click and drag the Re-size button in the bottom right corner of the widget. The size appears in pixels as you drag.

    Switch widget filters on or off

    Widget types that can be selected and filtered have the filter option switched on by default. You might want to turn this off, for example, to compare the whole company to just one sales rep, or just one branch. So you might have two identical widgets, one which filters and the other that does not.   

    Hover over a widget and click the Edit button, then on the Widget screen, select Is Filterable > No and click Save. You turn the filter back on in the same way.

    Set the filtering order

    You can determine whether to apply a dashboard filter before or after an existing widget filter, such as an advanced search filter. The order in which the filter is applied affects the results. 

    Hover over a widget and click the Edit button, then on the Widget screen, if the widget has a filter applied, you will see an option to select either Filter applied first or Filter applied last. Select the required option and click Save.

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    The image below shows the different results returned depending on the filter order.

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    Link dashboards  

    You can link dashboards to each other. You select a link within a widget in one dashboard to open up in another dashboard. You can also choose to filter the data shown in the second dashboard. Only grid widgets (not charts) can be linked.

    You can select the dashboard you want to link to when you create a widget or go back and edit a widget’s configuration. From the Link To Dashboard dropdown list, select the dashboard you want to link to and click Save.

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    Each data item in the Code column of that widget turns blue, indicating there is an active link. 

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