You can edit rules individually or edit multiple rules in bulk, which saves you a lot of time.
You might need to edit rules for the following reasons:
If you make a mistake when initially setting the rule up.
If the rebate agreement changes.
To roll a rule over into a new fiscal year.
To deactivate rules.
After you clone a project, to make a change to all the rules.
Learn about what you can edit
If a rule has no posted calculation results yet, you can edit all the settings in the rule setup screen. However, if a rule has any posted calculation results, there is a limit to what you can edit.
When editing an individual rule that has posted calculation results, a message displays in the header of the setup screen, telling you that you cannot edit the rule. In this case, you can only take the following actions:
Name and Scope:
Change the Active setting to Yes or No.
Change the Valid To setting to a different date.
Results: Delete posted results.
Categorization: Change the Payment Details settings.
Attachments: Add or delete attachments.
Comments: Post new comments.
If a rule has posted calculation results and you need to make more than the above changes, you can make the rule inactive then recreate the rule. You can also delete the posted results, but you then need to recalculate and post the results again for all rules in the project.
When editing multiple rules that have posted calculation results, a message displays under the Valid From setting, telling you that you cannot edit the Valid From and Groups settings. In this case you can only:
Change the Valid To setting to a different date.
Change the Active setting to Yes or No (or leave it unchanged).
Edit one rule
On the Rebates tab, select the rule you want to edit and click Edit.
Edit the rule setup as required (as stated above, if the rule has any posted calculation results, there is a limit to what you can edit).
Click Save and Close.
Edit multiple rules in bulk
On the Rebates tab, select the rules you want to edit and click Edit.
Edit the setup details for the rules as required (as stated above, if the rules have any posted calculation results, there is a limit to what you can edit):