When you add the Headcount driver, two worksheet tabs are automatically generated for you, Input and Output, and both are blank initially.
To protect the privacy of your employee headcount data, the Headcount driver tab is locked by a password. When you add this driver tab, it is important to use a password that you will remember, as it cannot be recovered or reset if you forget it. In the event you forget your password, you will be locked out of the driver tab and unable to access your headcount data. To limit the risk of losing your headcount data, we recommend you add one or more Administrators to this tab.
Adding a Headcount driver tab is more complex than adding other types of driver tabs and includes the following steps:
Add the tab
Click the blue plus button
next to the Main tab, enter a name for the tab, select the Headcount driver type, then click Add.
Enter a password for the driver tab (something you will easily remember - see warning above) and click Save.
In the Drivers window that displays, click the blue plus button
and select the General Ledger account(s) to use for the drivers, for example Salary & Wages.
Invite an administrator, if required (you can do this later when you add other users). See Manage Headcount driver users
Add benefits and benefit plans, if required (you can do this later). See Manage Headcount driver benefits
Click Save and close.
Proceed to add an administrator, if required, then add the employee data (see below).
Add the employee data
While you can manually enter your employee data line by line, it is more efficient to import this data via a file that you exported from your payroll system or the Phocas template file. Either way, the system automatically calculates the employee’s total remuneration value and displays it in the Rem. Total column.
Click the Input tab to open the worksheet.
Prepare the import file, either:
Use your own file: Export the file from your payroll system and save it to your computer.
Use the Phocas template file: Click the Import button and select I need to download a template, enter your employee data in the template, then save the file to your computer.
Import the file using one of these methods:
Click the Import button and select I have a file, then select the file you want to import.
Drag and drop the file into the worksheet.
In the Import window, map the items that are in your import file to the items that are in the Input tab, then click Import.
If required, validate the items, for example if the naming conventions are different, then click Import again.
Review the imported data and calculated totals. You can see a list of your employees, along with information such as which region they belong to, when they started and their base bonus and commissions.
Proceed to enter additional headcount details (see below).
Enter additional headcount details
Manually add employee lines, if required:
Scroll to the bottom of the grid to the blank row, then enter the data as required. For example, enter “New Hire” in the Employee column as a placeholders for new employees you plan to recruit during the year.Enter employment end dates, if applicable:
Click the employee’s Employee End Date cell and select the month they are planning to leave the company.Select the benefit plans, if applicable:
Click the employee’s Benefit Plan column and select the applicable benefit plan. The system automatically calculates the employee’s benefit value, along with how much it will cost over the budget period (taking the employment end date into account) and displays these values in the Benefit and Budget Period Cost columns respectively. See Manage Headcount driver benefits to learn how to add benefits and benefit plans.Edit the General Ledger codes that you are driving, if required. See Manage Headcount driver account codes
Proceed to adjust the salary, bonus and commission values (see below).
You might want to assign this task to other users. See Manage Headcount driver users and Workflow basics
Adjust the salary, bonus and commission values
In the Adjusted FTE Remuneration section, you can make adjustments to an employee’s salary, bonus and commission. The system automatically adjusts the employee’s total remuneration value accordingly and displays the new total in the second Rem. Total column. You can refer to these values in formulas on the Main and other tabs.
For example, if you want to give an employee a 5% pay increase, enter the formula “=Fte_salary*1.05”. See Formulas in the worksheet
You might want to assign this task to other users. See Manage Headcount driver users and Workflow basics
When the headcount data entry is complete, you can proceed to https://helpphocassoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/~6227f48cb7e7c700715a0c74/pages/2752676420/View+and+use+the+headcount+driver+output.
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