When designing your database, you should map properties in the following order: Address, suburb, zip, state and then country (in other words, from fine to coarse levels of data). For best results, concatenate into a single property named 'full address', as shown:
If using individual properties, map charts recognize properties with the following names:
anything beginning with 'add', e.g., 'Address 1', 'Addr 2', 'Add Del 1'.
'post code'
'zip code'
'country' * (see administration note below)
It is important to have clean address data for best results.
If the data all belongs to a single country, it is recommended that the 'DefaultCountry' system setting is used (see Apply system-wide settings - for administrators with permission), instead of the country being supplied by a mapped property.
Also note the country 'AUS' does not map. Use 'AU' or 'Australia'.
Also see Design a database