Month to date example
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title | Compare sales data for part of a month using Month to Date |
In this example, the user wants June We will assume the 20th of June 2014. We 20 June 2013 We do this by using 'Month to Date'.Step 1. Display June vs last June. Select . Set the current period June 2014, and the previous period June 2013, as shown.
Image RemovedStep 2. Select '' and select By default, Month to Date is off in Phocas, so something similar to the image below will appear.
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Step 3. Select Options > Month to Date. Data in the previous column should change as shown in the image below.
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Step 3. Continue with your analysis. Month to Date will remain on in your current session. Note warning below.
Step 4. You could save this (as a favorite or as a dashboard widget), and share it with others. The Month to Date setting (whether on or off) will also apply to the shared user.
Note |
title | Impact on performance |
The 'Month to date' option can have a major impact on performance, especially on large databases. While it can be used effectively on general queries, extreme caution should be used when using this option on a collection of dashboard widgets, as the compound impact on performance can be severe.