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Sync Data Type Specification 

Being able to specify the parameters that can be used in SQL queries, connection strings and file paths allows you to use a single Sync file for multiple 'organisations' in Phocas. These

When you are adding a file, directory or SQL data item to Sync, you can specify parameters to use the Sync file for multiple organizations in Phocas. The parameters are passed to Sync

, with the result that the same

and as a result, the information structure is sent to

a different organisationSelect

other organizations

Data item types that reference parameters

  • SQL
  • File
  • Directory

Defining parameters

  1. In Sync, select the Parameters tab

in Sync
  1. .


Defined parameters can be referenced by supported data item types as substitution values. For example, a SQL data item can have the majority of its properties defined by parameters:

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Defined parameters can be referenced by supported data item types as substitution values. For example, a SQL data item can have the majority of its properties defined by parameters:


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Connection details

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Substitute parameters

Parameter Substitution

Users have the ability to substitute different values for defined parameter
  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the parameter name. Parameter names are alphanumeric only. Special characters cannot be used.

  3. Enter a value. Values can not contain parameters. Double quotes cannot be used.

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Using parameters as values in supported types

Example of use: Connection string 

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Example of use: SQL

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Parameter substitution in scheduled Syncs

You can substitute different values for defined parameters via scheduled Syncs (SyncCLI).

Individual parameters

To substitute a parameter value, the “-p” switch is used, followed by the parameter name and quoted value. The quoted value is only used for the duration of the session, i.e. the original value defined in Sync remains unchanged.

-p:parameterName “newValue”

-p:server ”localhost“

* The

Note if a parameter name contains spaces, it must also be quoted:

“-p:My Server” “localhost”

“-p:Test Database” “Testing”


Example format for

using parameters:

Path to sync file:

-r "c:\temp\new sync\sqlparameters.sync"

Server connection switches:

-user "phocas"

-password "phocas"

-service "http://localhost"

-source "ParametersBro"

Substituted Parameters

substituted parameters:




-p:database "



-"p:db table"


"Sales Customers"

-p:columns "



Example of a scheduled Sync substituting a number of

ID, Address"

Multiple parameters

You can substitute several parameters for a range of data items

(formatted for readability):-r


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These multiple parameters can be entered in the Arguments field in a scheduled task:

Code Block
-r "c:\temp\new sync\multipleparameters.sync"
 -user "
John User" -password "
myPassword" -service "http://
localhost" -source "
 -p:server "
 -p:database "
Sales2016" "-p:
My source
db table"
 "Sales Customers" -p:columns "
ID, Address" "-p:sales directory" "C:\temp\Sales"


invalid parameters?

names/values - alphanumeric. special characters?

 -p:filePath "C:\temp\Customers.txt"



The Iterations option in the Sync setup is an advanced option that we recommend you use in consultation with a Phocas consultant. It’s useful in the case of multiple customer data sources, particularly multiple ERPs, linked to one Phocas site. Typically, these data sources are identical, except for having unique credentials and one or more different parameter values. As the setup is almost the same for each source, you can add iterations to the Sync process. This iterative approach removes the need for separate configuration files and makes the Sync setup quicker and less complex.

Each time Sync is triggered, all items are processed for each iteration, in order, with the default parameters being overridden by the iteration parameters.

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