Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Whether the Phocas Implementations team designs your databases or you do it yourself, as time goes on, you might want to modify those designs to meet your business’s needs. It's not unusual to go back and make changes, either to add new elements, delete things that are no longer needed or simply make some changes to the name or order of the items.

In Designer, you can take the following actions:

Table of Contents

Some changes you make in Designer can potentially affect dashboards, favorites, and other items in Phocas that are connected to your database. For example, if you delete the Sales Rep dimension in Designer, this will cause a user's Sales Rep performance pie chart favorite to fail. Therefore, you should take particular care when deleting dimensions, properties, measures, streams, and dates. Renaming items is fine. For example, if you rename the Sales Rep dimension, the user's Sales Rep performance pie chart favorite will still work.


After you modify a database, you need to save and rebuild the database to apply your changes.


Rename an item

You can rename

Rename dimensions, properties, measures, and streams, to give

a stream a more meaningful title. Notes:

them more meaningful titles. Be careful not to use any of the reserved words and characters.

Click the Edit button next to the item name, then enter a new title (name) and click Save.

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titleNote about measure names and Rebates

In measures, if you are designing a source database for use in Rebates (the database that Rebates will interrogate), some characters must not be used in Measure names, as this can adversely affect rebate calculations. Measure names must only contain the following characters: "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". Spaces cannot be used.

Click the Edit button next to the item name, then enter a new title (name) and click Save.

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titleHide the code in dimensions

You can set matrix mode column headings (known as 'captions' in the options menu on the grid) to default to name only. When you do so, users see only the name for the selected dimension and do not have the option of changing it, for example, to 'name and code' or just 'code', as the matrix captions option is disabled.

Click the Edit button next to the dimension name, then select the Hide Code checkbox and click Save.

titleReorder items
By default, the items within the dimensions, properties, measures, and stream sections

Reorder items

Change the order in which the dimensions, properties, measures, and streams display in their respective menus in Phocas. By default, items display in the order in which you map them

. You can change this, to determine the order in which the items display in their respective menus in Phocas



Watch the Design your own database video from 2:13 to 2:17 for a demonstration.

Click the item’s Move button, then drag and drop it in the new position.

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For example, in the image below, the Budget stream is being dragged from next to Sales across to the right of Orders. This sets it as the third stream in the list in the user's menu.

Image AddedImage RemovedYou can also change the order in which items display in a dimension group (see section below).expand
titleNote about Map charts

The order in which properties are mapped, and their naming convention, will affect affects the results that users see when using the Map charts (Marker, Circle, and Heat) feature in Analytics. 

  • Country 'AUS' does not map. Use 'AU' or 'Australia'.

  • Use 'Due date' not 'Date due'.

To test mappable properties enter the string into


Change the data type of an item

You have the option to change the

Change the data type of

items in the

dimensions, properties, measures,




, and


date (in some circumstances)

database components. The data type options that are available depend on the component.

sections. Changing the data type is particularly helpful for classifying your properties, as the data type can make a difference to the way the data can be

used /



and sorted in Phocas.

Click the Edit button next to the item name,


select the required data type from the Type dropdown list and click Save.

The available data types depend on the component:

  • Text - The default data type for dimensions and properties.

  • Number - The default data type for measures.

  • Boolean - Available for properties only. See below for more information about Boolean property types.

  • Date - See Map the date for more information.

  • Paragraph - Available for properties only. Useful if you have a property containing a lot of text, such as a product description, and you want users to be able to view and export it in full. In the Phocas grid, the text is truncated to 100 characters, but users can click items to view the full text in a separate window.

Click Save.

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titleNote about Boolean property type

These are not case-sensitive.
























Group properties

If you have a large list of properties, you can group them

Put properties into groups by prefixing the property name with the group name, a dash, and a right arrow (without spaces), like this: Name->

Click the Edit button next to the property name, then enter the group name prefix and click Save.

Grouping is handy when you have a large list of properties. For example, suppose you want to group the properties Street, Country, and Postcode into a group named Address. After you add the prefix Address-> to the name of each property, users will see these properties grouped in the Property menu in Phocas.

Click the Edit button next to the property name, then enter the group name prefix and click Save.

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Customize dimensions (hide the code, create groups, and include a group as a property)

titleHide the code in dimensions

Set matrix mode column headings (known as captions in the options menu on the grid) to default to name only, so users only see the name for the selected dimension. As the code caption is unavailable, users don’t have the option of changing it, for example, to Name and code or just Code.

In the Dimensions section, click the Edit button next to the dimension name, then select the Hide Code checkbox and click Save.

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This feature doesn’t apply when you add levels to the grid (grid nesting). The code is not hidden when you view the nested grid. The Code property always displays in the nested grid because it’s required to link the nested rows together correctly.

titleGroup dimensions

You can group your dimensions The following information is for adding groups in Designer. You can also add and manage dimension groups in your Financial Statements module.

Put your dimensions into groups for analysis purposes. A group can be anything that works for your business, as long as the data exists. For example, you might want to group your:

  • Customers Group customers into regions or types, or even by which sales rep looks after them.

  • Products Group products by category and sub category.  


Watch the Design your own database video from 2:22 to 4:10 for a demonstration.

  1. Click In the Dimensions section, click the mapped dimension. The Design tab changes from the default Stream mode into Dimension Mode, where you can arrange your dimensions into groups.

  2. Drag across the relevant raw data file from the data sources panel on into the right Drag here box.

  3. Map the data file in the usual way, with two exceptions:

    1. A data box displays to the left of the raw data with a red heading. This represents the data you've already mapped. You need to link your raw data to it. Just locate Locate the column that has the matching data and drag it across. The column heading will turn green.

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    2. To create a dimension group, drag the raw data column on top of the appropriate dimension. For example, drag the Minor Section data file on top of the Product Dimension. It will then appear below, grouped.

  4. Reorder the dimensions in the group, if required:

    1. Select the relevant dimension. The data files display from left to right across the screen and this determines the order in which they are processed during a database build.

    2. Drag the data files to change their position.

  5. Exit Dimension Mode and return to Stream mode: either click the dimension again or click on any blank space in the dimension box.  

titleInclude a dimension group as a property

You can set Set a dimension as a property. This ‘dimension’ dimension property is different from and independent of the ‘transaction’ transaction properties that you map to the database, so they do not display in the regular Properties section in Designer.

After mapping a dimension group (see section above), click the Edit button next to the dimension name, then select the required property from the Include as Property dropdown list and click Save. The newly created property will be named as per the dimension title.

Customize measures (change the format or create your own calculated measures)

titleChange the format of measures

You can set a format to determine how a measure will display by default in the PhocasDetermine the default format of a measure that users see when they open the database. Users can overwrite this by customizing the format of their own measures.

  1. Click In the Measures section, click the Edit button next to the measure name, then select the required format list.

  2. Either select an option from the Formatting dropdown list or select the Custom option and enter your own format.

  3. Use the arrows to move to the settings for the next measure, if required.

  4. Click Save.

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    For example, if you want negative values have brackets, you can - can we add this screenshot or something similar to the formatting measures doco as an example

Add a period type,
titleCreate a calculated measure

Often, your raw data will contain contains only basic measures, such as cost, value, and so on. You can use these measures as the basis of a new 'calculated' measure, such as profit (value minus cost).


Watch the Design your own database video from 4:08 to 4:20 for a demonstration.

  1. In the Measures section, click the green plus button.

  2. Enter a title (name) for the new measure. Enter a mathematical calculation using your existing measures. You can use the usual notation (+,-,*,/), and any of the other non-calculated measures in your expression.  

  3. Set the data formatting, if required.

  4. Click Save.

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Note about measure titles for a Rebates source database

  1. Note: If you are designing a source database for use in Rebates (the database that Rebates will interrogate), some characters must not be used in

  1. measure names, as this can adversely affect rebate calculations. Measure names must only contain the following characters: "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". Spaces cannot be used.

  1. Enter a mathematical calculation using your existing measures. You can use the usual notation (+,-,*,/), and any of the other non-calculated measures in your expression. 

  2. Set the data formatting, if required.

  3. Click Save.

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Watch the Design your own database video from 4:08 to 4:20 for a demonstration.

Customize period types (set the period types and configure the moving period count

, and change the number of days to summarize



titleSet the period types for a database

When you create a new database, the default period types (Year, Month and Day) are automatically selected for you. You can enable or disable period types for the databasemight want to remove one of these period types or add others. Over time, as your needs change, you can review this list and change the period types that are available to users.

If you created create a new period type, it becomes available for selection in Designer, where for the new period type to be available to users, you need to select it to add it to the database, then rebuild the database for the new period type to be available in Phocas.    

Select a period type

  1. In the Date section, click the Edit button at the top.

  2. In the Period Types window, select the checkbox of the period typecheckboxes of the period types you want to make available in the database. Clear the checkboxes of any period types you do not want.

  3. Configure the moving period count for each period type if required (see next section below for more information).

  4. Click Save.

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titleConfigure the moving period count for each period type

You can dictate Set how many moments constitute a moving period (as used in Use Moving mode).

On a Month period type, this is typically 12 (the default), which will ultimately display what many refer to as a 'moving annual total'. However, you can select any value. For example, if you select 3, it makes the moving mode display rolling quarters instead of years.

For period types other than month, 0 (zero) moving periods is the default. Note that in Moving mode, 0 does not mean 'none'. It is more like a starting point, as Moving mode takes the number of moments in your active period, counts back that many 'moving' moments, and then adds those to each column. For example, a setting of 0 when using a period of the Last 7 days displays rolling seven 7 days but switching to a period of the Last 30 days displays rolling 30 days.

  1. In

the Period Types window, click the More button next to a period type, use the arrows to select
  1. the

moving period count and click Save.Image Removed

Change the number of days to summarize

The default number of days summarized in a database is 31. Sometimes you need a different number of days to be summarized, for example to:

  • compare daily month-to-date with the daily month-to-date previous year, or

  • compare a 3-month daily breakdown with the same period last year.

  1. In the Date section, click the Edit button at the top.Select the Day

  2. checkbox In the Period Types window, select the period type and click the More button. Unless it has been previously changed, the number of days to summarize will be set at the last 31 days.

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  3. Use the arrows to select a new number of days.

    • This setting cannot be blank.

    • If you select zero, th12121212is tells Phocas that all available days are to be summarized. This is not a common setting but it can be useful, for example, if you wanted to compare a daily month-to-date with a daily month-to-date four years ago. If you do select zero, the build will take longer than usual.

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  4. Click Save.

  1. set the moving period count and click Save.

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Set a stream as Balance Brought Forward


Set a stream as Balance Brought Forward


to give the transactions an opening balance plus movements. This is typical in a Financial database, where the value in a General Ledger account for a selected month is effectively the sum of all prior transactions. It is also useful with Inventory Movements databases, which also typically have an opening stock 'as set by a stocktake' and adjustments in and out for receipts and dispatches.

Click the Edit button next to the stream name, then select the Balance Brought Forward checkbox and click Save.


Modify the general database options (customize activity filter labels, suppress empty dimensions and streams, and set the Retained Earnings account code)

The Options button on the top right of the Design screen (next to the Save button) gives you access to general database options.

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Customize activity filter labels

You can use the synonyms option to customize the

Customize the activity filter labels that appear in the Phocas grid. For example, in a Sales database, you might prefer the labels Sales and No Sales to Activity and No Activity, or in a Purchasing database you might want Purchases, No Purchases, and so on.

  • Click the Options button on the top right of the Design screen.

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  • Enter your synonym

    Enter your synonyms into the respective boxes, and click Save.

    Suppress empty dimensions and streams

    Remove dimensions and streams from the front-end view of the database when they do not contain any data. The items remain in the database design but don't display for users when they open the database.

    Select the Suppress empty dimensions and streams checkbox and click Save.

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    Set the Retained Earnings account code

    You can tell Designer which

    (financial databases only)

    Set the Retained Earnings account code you want to use to calculate Retained Earnings for the Balance Sheet. When the database is being built, Designer uses the specified code to assign Retained Earnings to the correct place. If no code is specified, it creates its own code, called Retained Earnings. Only accounts within the Equity category will work.

  • Click the Options button on the top right of the Design screen.

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  • Enter a value in the Retained Earnings Code box, and click Save.

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    Design your own database (covers some of the actions outlined on this page)

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