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  • Update users in bulk

  • Assign profiles to users

    In addition to the user permissions and database access and restrictions, as an administrator, you can control what users can do within the Phocas grid.

    Most users, even with a 'Basic' profile, are able to perform standard queries and use basic functionality. User profile settings determine what a user can do in the Phocas grid, i.e., perform queries, switch modes, select and set periods, change properties, search, format, etc. 

    A number of commonly used query settings are 'on' by default in all system user profiles, and can be manually removed from a The Query user permissions determine what users can do with the Analytics grid, such as perform queries, switch modes, select and set periods, change properties, search for data, and so on. Even if users have access to a database (for example, via a shared favorite), if they do not have query permissions, they cannot do anything except view the data.

    titleView an example of what it is like when a user has the Sales database permission but no query permissions
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    Most users, even those with a Basic profile, can perform standard queries and use basic functionality. The more query permissions a user has, the more options they have and actions they can take. Several commonly used query permissions are enabled by default in most system user profiles but these can be manually removed from an individual user's profile. Similarly, some settings permissions are restricted by default and need to be enabled manually.

    To change the query settings, either:

    • Go to Administration > Profile to change a standard profile, or

    • Go to Administration > Users and select a specific user. Make changes from the 'Profile tab' on the user maintenance screen.

    In both cases, go to the section heading Query.

    • Options appear either in the area underneath the 'Query' heading, or in individual  boxes, e.g., 'mode' or 'format',

    • Tick or untick as required and save the changes. Note you need to scroll to view all options under some subheadings, e.g, modes.

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    The following image shows the query permissions that correspond to the Analytics elements.

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    The Query section on a user’s Profile tab has multiple permissions, which can be organized into three types (as identified by the colors in the image above):

    1. Permissions that enable the menu items: Mode (range of modes to enable), Change Properties, Change Measures (more options with Format Measures), Change Stream, Change Activity Filter, Format (Actual, % Share and Daily Average).

      • When any of the above menus are enabled, the Period menu becomes available.

      • Add-on permissions for the Period menu are: Apply Custom Period, Save User Defined Period and Month To Date (see below for details).

    2. Permissions that enable other options for working with the data: Kind (Grid or Chart), Change Options (more options with Hide Total, Show Average and Show Others), Lock Selection, Export (range of formats to enable) and Search.

    3. Permissions that enable the key analysis tools: Change Dimension, and Focus and Reset.

    Period permissions

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    The following period-related Query permissions apply to Analytics only.

    • Apply Custom Period - Enables the Custom option that allows users to apply a temporary date range.

    • Save User Defined Period - Enables the Add option that allows users to add user-defined periods. Applicable only when the Apply Custom Period permission is also applied.

    • Month To Date - Enables the Month To Date option in the Options menu that allows users to compare data for the current month with the corresponding number of days in a comparison month. This option only works when the period is defined in the database.

    Export and copy permissions

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    The Query > Export permissions determine if users can export and copy data from the grid, charts and dashboards.

    The exportable file formats are CSV, Email*, KML (applicable for map charts only), PDF, Print (opens in a new browser tab) and XLSX (Microsoft Excel). Note there are some limits on the size of the dataset that a user can export.

    The Clipboard option allows users to copy data directly from the grid to paste into another application, such as Microsoft Excel. Even though this is a simple copy-and-paste function for the user, it is handled by Phocas as an export function. 

    Related user permissions and Phocas settings

    • In addition to the query permissions above, users need database permission to access the underlying data, otherwise, no data will display in the grid.

    • These query permissions complement the favorites and dashboards permissions, allowing users to analyze the data they see in dashboard widgets and favorites.

    • *For users to be able to export to email, your site needs to have email settings configured. This is usually carried out by administrators with special permissions. See Configure SMTP settings to send emails.

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