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Your Budgets and Forecasts homepage is the best place to quickly find and access your budget and forecast workbooks.

If you have permission to do so, you can create a budget workbook from your homepage. If you are the owner or administrator of a workbook, you can also manage the access to your workbooks, delete workbooks and take more actions from your homepage.

Watch this video to get an overview of your homepage:

BF homepage.mp4

Access your homepage

You can access your homepage in two ways:

  • From anywhere in Phocas: In the Phocas menu, click Budgets & Forecasts.

  • From within a workbook: Click Budget in the top-left corner.

TipIf you prefer to

This page explains how to use your Budgets & Forecasts homepage and open a budget or forecast workbook. It links to other pages that outline the key elements of the common workbook tabs you’ll use.


Click Budgets & Forecasts in the Phocas menu to open your Budgets & Forecasts homepage, the best place to quickly access your budget and forecast workbooks.

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To open the homepage in a separate browser tab using either of the above methods, right-click > Open link in new tab.

Find a workbook

Workbook list

Your homepage contains a grid which that lists all the budget and forecast workbooks to which you have access. There are multiple ways you can access. Your access to a workbook depends on multiple factors. Even when you have the required user and database permissions, you can only access a workbook if one of these conditions applies:

  • You created the workbook (you are the budget owner).

  • You are added as an administrator to the workbook.

  • You are assigned to a workflow task in the workbook.

  • You are added as a viewer of the workbook.

Using your homepage

Here are some tips to quickly find a specific workbook, as follows:

  • Click a column header to sort the workbooks by that column, in ascending or descending order.

  • Click the buttons above the grid to filter the grid and display only the workbooks of a particular type (budget or forecast), workbooks that you bookmarked (see below) , or workbooks that have that particular tag (see below).

  • Enter a keyword into the search box above the grid to filter the grid and display only the workbooks with that keyword in their name.

You can then take further action with the workbook, such as add a bookmark (see below for more information). To open the workbookWhen you find the workbook you need, click its name to open it. See the next section to learn more about workbooks.

Depending on your user permissions and user type, you can then take the following actions from your homepage:

  • Organize your homepage:

titleAdd a bookmark
You can add a bookmark to any workbook.

Bookmarks are like favorites


; they are a handy way to

quickly find the

manage a list of workbooks you are actively working on. You can use the Bookmarks filter

the list above the grid by bookmarks. Your bookmarked workbooks also display in the Bookmarks panel on the main

on the homepage to quickly find the bookmarked workbooks. Any workbooks you bookmark on this homepage are also bookmarked on your Phocas homepage.

Click the Bookmark button on the workbook row. The button


will turn blue to


indicate that the bookmark has been applied.

titleAdd a tag
You can add tags

Tags are a great way to categorize your workbooks

and manage them more easily

for ease of management. They are useful when you have a lot of workbooks. The tags display as filters above the grid. Other users cannot see these tags, they are for your personal use only.

Click the Menu button (on the far right side

of your screen,

) of the workbook you want to tag, then type a name for the tag into the Add custom tags box and press Enter. Repeat this step to add more tags for other workbooks.

To remove a tag you no longer need, click the Menu button of the workbook, then click the Delete button on the tag under the

Create a Manage workbooks

tag box.

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Access a workbook

Click the New Budget button in the top right corner. Proceed to create the budget workbook - see Create a workbook for detailed instructions.

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, this will be
  • (stated in the Role column

. You have permission to manage user access to that workbook and delete it, if it is no longer required.In addition to adding users as administrators in the budget setup, you can quickly do this via the homepage. You can also
    • , such as convert a contributor into an administrator and add other users as viewers

of a workbook. This action is different from assigning tasks to users (contributors) in the workflow. A workbook viewer can view the workbook data (as long as they have the required permissions) but not edit any of the data.

Read the Get started with Budgets and Forecasts page for more information about the types of users, user access and data security.

  1. Find the workbook, click the Menu button on the far right side of your screen and click Manage Access.

  2. Manage the access to the workbook as required:

    • Add a new user: Select the user’s name from the Add users list. The new user is added as a Viewer by default.

    • Give a user administration rights: Select Administrator from the user’s list.

    • Remove a user: Click the user’s Delete X button.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a workbook

Find the workbook, click the Menu button, then click X Delete Worksheet.

Delete streams


If you have permission to manage budgets and forecasts, you can delete redundant streams via the Published Streams tab on your homepage, so you can manage the available streams more easily.

  1. On your homepage, click the Published Streams tab to view a list of your published streams.

  2. Find the stream, click the Menu button, then click X Delete Stream.

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Restore deleted workbooks

If you have permission to manage budgets and forecasts, you can restore deleted workbooks via the Restore tab on your homepage. The Restore tab acts as an archive, where you can view a list of all deleted workbooks and restore any workbooks you want to use again, such as any that were deleted accidentally. The ability to restore deleted workbooks allows you to ‘hide’ workbooks from view.

  1. On your homepage, click the Recovery tab.

  2. Find the workbook, click the Menu button, then click Restore.

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As explained above, your homepage lists all the budget and forecast workbooks you can access. Budget workbooks have a blue icon. Forecast workbooks have a green icon and display underneath their corresponding (parent) budget workbook.

Open a workbook

To open a workbook, click its name in the grid.

Other ways to open a workbook are:

  • Phocas menu: After you open a workbook, it displays in the list in the Budgets & Forecasts and Recents menus in the Phocasmenu on the left of your screen, giving you a quicker access route next time.

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  • Phocas homepage: Locate the workbook in the grid (look for the workbook icon) then click its name to open it.

  • Within a workbook: When you open a budget workbook that is linked to a forecast workbook (or vice versa), in the top left corner, click Budget (or Forecast) > Swap to, then click the name of the other workbook.

titleTroubleshooting when opening a workbook

When you open a budget or forecast workbook, the loading screen displays a line for each worksheet tab in the budget, showing the loading status.

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When a tab successfully loads, it disappears from the loading screen. If a tab fails to load, you will see this clearly on the loading screen, as it displays in red with an error icon. Hover over the item to display the error information. There are many reasons why a tab fails to load. The most common reason is you do not have access to the database, stream or measure upon which the workbook was created. Another reason is the underlying stream was deleted.

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You can click the Refresh button next to the tab error icon to try load the tab again. If it still does not load, contact the budget owner or administrator for help. You can still open the workbook, even if one or more tabs fail to load. Click the blue link in the error message at the bottom of the loading screen. The workbook opens and an error icon displays on the tab that failed to load.

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Explore the workbook

Budget workbooks and forecast workbooks look very similar but have some differences. Financial budget and forecast workbooks might include tabs for the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow, which have some distinct features. The following pages explain the key elements you’ll see in these workbooks and tabs:

Child pages (Children Display)

On this page

Table of Contents

Related page