Periods are time and date ranges for the data that displays in the grid. They are often set to months or years.
In Phocas, a 'period' is often actually two date ranges: a currentperiod and a comparative previousperiod and you can see columns for these periods in Period mode. You can change the period that applies to these columns, to view the information over different timeframes. For example, you might want to view numbers for the rolling 12 months, then change the period to view the numbers for the year to date.
When you first open a database, the default period is selected and applied for you. You can use the Period menu to change the period that applies to the grid. The Period menu contains a list of defined periods you can select from, along with the option to add a custom period or user defined period. The table below differentiates the three options. Click the links for more detailed information.
A temporary date range that you apply to your current analysis; it is not added to the list of defined periods.
A useful way of seeing data for a one-off timeframe, such as the duration of a sales promotion. For example, a range of months, sections of months, one month at a time, and so on, depending on what period types are available in the database.
Has fixed dates, such as, ‘January 2023' as opposed to dynamic, such as 'last month'. They update when you move into the next period, such as a 'February 2003’.
A period that you add to the list of defined periods, so it will then be available for you to select the next time you view data in the grid. User defined periods sit below the defined periods (administrator-set) and a line separates the two categories.
Suitable if there is a period you frequently want to apply to your analysis but none of the defined periods include the specific dates you want.
Can have fixed or dynamic dates, depending on the options you select.