Homepage (old experience)

Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired soon.

Homepage (old experience)

This page has retired and will soon be deleted. The information below refers to the ‘old homepage’. In November 2022 (Release 8.1.21), the new homepage was turned on for all users by default. If you want to revert back to the old homepage, click the New experience toggle button. Next year, we will remove the toggle button, so the new homepage becomes the normal homepage for all users.

When you first sign into Phocas you see a default home screen. It lists dashboards, favorites and alerts, as well as any databases you have permission to view. It may have lots of content or just the basics. You can keep this as your home screen or replace it with your own 'home dashboard.' 

Choose the logo to return to the home screen from anywhere in Phocas.  

A typical home screen. On this home screen, Alerts, Dashboards and Favorites have been expanded, while the list of Databases is collapsed.


Open a favorite, dashboard or database

Expand to see the full list. Select the name to open a favorite, dashboard or database. The selected item will open in the same window and the name will appear in the navigation bar. 

Filter or search the home screen

Search the home screen

  • Type a word in the search box. The search begins as soon as you start typing. It uses 'is like', so you don't need to search for the entire name. Clear the search by deleting the text in the search box.

    Filters and search box 


Filter by folder or database

  • Choose Database > and select a database to filter you screen. The database button will display the selection. To view all, select Database > All. E.g, selecting 'Sales' from the databases list will result in the screen showing only favorites created from that database and dashboards containing a widget from that database.  

  • Choose Folder > All, Personal or Shared, or select a specific folder that has been shared with you. The Folder button will display your choice and will turn orange to show that a filter is active.

What else you can do from the home screen

Share a dashboard or favorite 

Choose the Share icon   next to a favorite or dashboard. Learn how to share a dashboard or share a favorite

Share a dashboard with a non-Phocas user

Generate a link to share a view-only version of a dashboard with someone who doesn't have a Phocas login.

Subscribe to a favorite 

Choose the gray Subscribe iconto have a favorite automatically delivered to your inbox in a format of your choice. To learn how to do this, see Subscribe to a favorite

Note. Administrators can right-click on a favorite to manage subscriptions for that favorite.

Create a dashboard 

You can create a new dashboard straight from the home screen by choosing the New dashboard button near the top left. Learn how to create a dashboard


Delete a dashboard or favorite 

Deletean item, or only remove it from your screen. 

Select a default period for a database 

Choose the period icon  icon to assign a default period to a database so that a particular date range displays each time you open that database. Learn how to Select a default period for a database.