Account (personal) settings

Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired at the end of April 2025.

Account (personal) settings

To access your account settings, click the button with your initials or image on it (in the top-right corner of the screen), then select Account settings.


Your account settings page displays your basic account settings. It also displays your browser and version information, which are useful details if you are troubleshooting an issue.

The available settings and options depend on your user permissions, but typically, you can update information about yourself, such as name, email address, and phone number. You can also add a profile picture to display instead of a box with your initials.

After you make the required changes (see below for details), click the Save button to apply your changes.

Add your profile picture

  1. Click the profile picture.

  2. Click Choose and select a picture from your computer.

  3. Drag or resize the picture as required, then click Apply.

Enter or update your email address 

An email address is compulsory for users on the latest version of Phocas. You might be asked to enter an email address the first time you sign in. A valid email address is also required for subscribing to favorites. 

Ensure the email address you see on the Settings page is correct and if required, update it.

Change the language

Select the language in which you want to run Phocas from the Language dropdown list.

If you have set your Phocas language to German, French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese, European number formatting will be used (i.e. decimal comma, thousand separator full stop) in number display.

Change the time zone

Your time zone is usually already set for you but you select a different zone from the Timezone dropdown list. This setting cannot be left blank.

Show or hide the splash screen

When you first sign in to Phocas, you might see a 'splash' screen before you get to your homepage. You can select 'Yes' or 'No' under Show splash screen.  

Change your password 

The ability to change (reset) your password depends on two settings managed by your administrator:

  • Authentication model: If your site uses the LDAP or SSO authentication model to manage how users sign in to Phocas, it's not possible for you to change your password in Phocas.

  • Password policy: Your site's password policy might prevent you from changing your password.

If it's possible for you to change your password in Phocas, you'll see the Change Password button next to the Save button. If not, contact your administrator about getting your password changed.

To change your password, click Change Password, enter your current password and new password, then confirm the new password and click Save.

Change your email notification preferences

Select when you want to receive notifications from Phocas via email:
