Phocas has a new user documentation site. This site will be retired soon.

Finding licence and other information

You can view details about your Phocas licence, including the number of users, from the configuration screen. 

Licence count

This is the number of users you are licensed for, i.e., the number of users allowed to use Phocas. If you exceed your user count, Phocas will become read-only, meaning you cannot add or edit content until you reduce the number of users or upgrade to additional licences.

Adding more users

To arrange to add more users to your licence, contact Phocas support.

About your registration key

This will be automatically populated at implementation. If a Phocas support consultant asks you to enter new details note that this is case and punctuation sensitive.

Company name

This is the name under which your company is registered to use Phocas.

Configuration screen - 'Licence' section 

Changing any of these details

You should not change any details in the Licence section, unless you are asked to by a Phocas consultant, as entering details incorrectly here will cause Phocas to stop working until the details are corrected.

Administrator email address

On sites without forgotten password functionality, this email address is provided so users can contact the Phocas administrator.

Application URL

This is the web address for users to connect to Phocas. When a user is first added to Phocas they will receive this URL in an email.  This may say 'External URL' in some older versions of Phocas.

Default language

If left blank, this setting uses the user's location or their own language setting. 

Note: The default language is session-based. When this is changed, users who are currently logged in (including the administrator) are required to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.