Flexible Variance mode

Flexible Variance mode looks different from the other Analytics modes you might be familiar with. As indicated by the Beta badge, it’s still in the development stage.

Flexible Variance mode shows variance data and is useful for making comparisons over time, similar to the other variance modes. However, the Flexible Variance mode provides a richer exploration of variances, as you can determine what's driving the variance by selecting two different periods. It also looks and behaves differently from the other modes.

Key differences

Flexible Variance mode is more versatile when it comes to comparing data in different periods. Rather than being restricted to the Current and Previous periods, you can compare any two periods using the Period 1 and Period 2 menus, allowing you to analyze various scenarios. The additional Period (breakdown) menu lets you look closely at what’s happening in a particular timeframe. This can be your selected Period 1 or Period 2 or another period. In effect, you can view data for three periods in the grid.

It has new and enhanced features:

  • Sparklines allow you to visualize the breakdown period in a graphical format, allowing you to see the trends at a glance.

  • You can add custom columns directly within the grid.

  • The Nest feature, which allows you to add levels to the grid, is in a different location and has enhanced functionality.

Flexible Variance mode doesn’t yet have all the functionality that the other modes have. In particular, the ability to add content to a dashboard isn’t available yet. While you can save and share favorites, the process is a little different for now.

Getting started

In Analytics, click Mode > Flexible Variance. It opens in a new browser tab to differentiate it from the other Analytics modes. To return to the other modes, click Mode > Other modes.


Read these pages for detailed information on Flexible Variance mode: