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In the Project Setup, you can change a project’s name, description or calculation settings. You can also check the details of the database upon which the project’s rules are based.

If the Project Setup screen does not open automatically, on the Projects page, click the blue project name to open its setup.

But the next and subsequent times you do this, the project’s page opens, in which you need to click the Setup button in the top right corner.


The top section of the Project Setup is where you enter or change the project’s name and description, and determine if the project is active or not. By default, projects are active, as indicated by the selected Active checkbox. If you want to deactivate a project inactive, clear the checkbox.

This section also displays the name of the person who last modified the project and when it was modified.


The Database section displays the information about the source database. This information is for reference purposes only, so you cannot edit it.

Receivable / Payable

Given that rebate rules sit within a project, and a project is associated with a single database, it is unusual for payable and receivable rules to be in the same project. However, the settings for the Receivable and Payable sections are the same.

  • Select the Enabled checkbox as applicable to enable receivable/payable types of rebates. You can enable both types. You can't save a project without at least one type enabled.
    Note that when you have created rebates for this project, disabling the receivable/payable types (clearing the Enabled checkbox) here results in rebates of that type being set as inactive (you will get a warning before confirming).

  • Select the Stream to be used in this project. All available streams in the database display in the dropdown list.

  • Select the measures you want to have as bracket basis options for rebate rules in this project. This value also impacts the rule’s calculation method. Select from the list of all raw (non-calculated) measures in the database:

    • Value measures, such as Value, Cost and Revenue are used in percentage calculations.

    • Quantity measures, such as Quantity and Amount are used in fixed amount calculations.


  • Calculation Precision - The number of decimal points used in calculations. The number of decimal points can make a significant difference to results in complex rebate calculations or calculations involving very large numbers. The default setting is 6.

  • Display Precision - formatting, i.e., how many decimal points display in results. The default setting is 2.


Rebates within a project can be assigned to groups, which is useful for managing the rebates and filtering both within the Rebates solution itself and once you go into Phocas to analyze your rebates. Grouping doesn't affect the setup or calculation of a rebate; it is just a way of categorizing. For example, you might have groups for marketing campaigns, product launches, buying groups and so on.

Any groups created project setup screen will be available for selection when you are creating a rebate. 

You can delete a group or edit its description. 

Project settings

  • No labels