The budget worksheet has several built-in options when choosing how to distribute a value over the budget period. These are accessed by right-clicking a total cell or typing a value in a total cell.
Spread a value evenly
Select Evenly
Once entered the value will be spread using a formula. In the example below it is 5,000/12 to spread the value evenly.
Spread based on a comparison stream
Select how to spread the value, in this case based on last year's Actuals:
Once entered the value will be spread using a formula, that references the comparison streams values.
Use a comparison stream +/- a percentage change
In the example below, the user wants their ‘Accounting’ fees to be last year's Actual values + 10%.
Once entered the value will be spread using a formula (referencing the comparison stream's values) in this case last year's value + 10%.