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Use advanced search to locate product sales that are ahead of target


  1. Choose the 'Sales' database and select the Search icon Image Modified .

  2. Choose 'Product' from the dimension drop down box.

  3. Select Plus Image Modified  > Calculation.

  4. Define the variables as the nine days in December when the promotions were active:
    • Select the gray Plus Image Modified to add variable a. Choose Stream = Sales and Measure = Value, and then click the period tab, set the Time Unit to Day, and start on 2nd Dec and end 4th Dec.
    • Add variable b. Choose Stream = Sales and Measure = Value, and then click the period tab, set the Time Unit to Day, and in our case start on 12th Dec and end 13th Dec.
    • Add variable c. Choose Stream = Sales and Measure = Value, and then click the period tab, set the Time Unit to Day, and in our case start on 23rd Dec and end 26th Dec.
    • To add up the sales on all the promotional days, in the Expression box, enter the formula 'a+b+c'
    • From the Search Type drop down, choose Greater Than and enter '10000'.
    • Your set of rules should appear similar to the image below. Apply.


Note: Your Phocas grid settings may not match your advanced search settings. For this particular example, the results will be best viewed in the product dimension, period mode, measures set to value, with Periods set to show days in December. 



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