Preparing the budget is a collaborative process. You can assign single or multiple items to other users in Phocas Budgeting and Forecasting and once they complete the work they submit it back to you. As a budget owner you have peace of mind of knowing that while multiple people can work on a budget workbook at any time, only the person assigned a line can enter or change data for that line. See Workflow basics for more on this.
Click on a workflow label (e.g.,'Baseline', ‘Assigned’ and so on), add a comment and choose who to assign the line to. In the example below the user is assigning UK Cleaning to ‘Andy Admin’. Andy Admin will now be notified of a task to complete.
Once you assign an item, the cells in that row turn from yellow to white, indicating that you can no longer edit those cells or enter data into them. If, however, if you realize you do need to alter something, you can unassign the line from ‘Andy Admin’ while you make your change and re-assign it.
When Andy submits the item back to you, it will appear as a task under your profile picture in Phocas Budgeting and Forecasting and will appear on your home screen as a task.
Any comments added by the assignee in a particular cell will be flagged by a purple triangle in the top-right corner of a cell. Hover to view an excerpt of the comment and click to view the full comment.
Comments attached to a workflow action, i.e. when assigning or submitting accounts will appear as a purple speech bubble.